All in all, it seems to go by pretty quickly and I can't believe I'm going to do this, but here it is...the first official belly picture!
Everything has been going great for us so far. Harrison is moving around more than ever but I haven't figured out his patterns yet. I think he still has enough space to not always bump me, but I know that window of time is about to close. We're officially in the 3rd trimester and his growth is supposed to get pretty rapid over these last few weeks. We'll find out in about a week how he's doing and how big he is at our next appointment. According to all the books, he should be somewhere around 2 lbs. and ready for some major growth spurts.
I could tell we entered the 3rd trimester by some very significant changes. All of a sudden, my blood sugar went wacky--I was feeling dizzy at work every day right around the same time. Come to find out, I need to eat 5 small meals a day instead of the normal 3 to keep all my levels in check. All that rapid growth means Harrison needs more food from me, so now I just have to snack every few hours (easier said than done). Also, that infamous belly button pop has started to happen. I still have an 'innie' but now you can see a belly button bump through all my shirts. The foot swelling thing is still happening but now it runs on a schedule. When I'm working all day or out and about running errands, I'll come home to find my feet like puffy sausages, only to slowly go back to a state of normal after a few hours of relaxing.
I still cannot believe we are so close to the end...or should I say beginning for Harrison. It's a little scary to think about, so I try not to dwell on that coming day. I just know that God has us in his hands and we're along for the ride. May it be a sweet journey of a quick delivery and a blessed epidural!