Monday, March 29, 2010

Things I'm learning

So, I wanted to share with all my girlfriends the little things you learn along the way about being preggers. Here are some of those strange little details so far:
  • Baby Massey gets really angry if I don't eat breakfast before 9am...and I can't get by with just a bowl of cereal either. I have to eat eggs or my little miracle makes me regret it all work day long with headaches and just all over sick feelings.
  • Chicken--I just can't eat it. I can't look at it. I can't touch it. I can eat McNuggets and that's about it. All the rest of it looks so foul I don't want to ruin it for you.
  • Snacking--I'm reaching that phase where I need little bits of food every few hours or so. I anticipate this will only get worse. Although, it is cool to be able to grab a cookie and not feel bad about it!
  • Hmmm, how to say it....sleeping on your side as you start to grow is not super comfy. I feel like I'll soon have to develop a gigantic wall of pillows to support all the areas that need supporting. Poor Mark.
  • Speaking of poor Mark...snoring has begun. He will try to tell you that it happened before pregnancy but I have my Dad and other slumber party buddies to attest to the fact that growing up all I had was some random talking in my sleep. Now apparently, snoring has started. The doctors say that your body create extra (gross) mucus and that could explain it. That also explains the super stuffy noses and dry throat.
  • A lot of weird extra stuff is around, like the amount of blood in your body now--it's crazy! And I'm also thinking that causes my limbs to be totally asleep numb when I lay on them wrong in bed. It's the worst--my friend Traci lent me her arm brace to use to help out. But seriously, the amount of extra junk you need in order to sleep is ridiculous...and I don't want to even think about the fact that it's probably worse as your belly grows. It's a miracle, don't get me wrong, it's just so strange going through it all for the first time.

I think I've covered a good start to the little things diary. I'll keep thinking and will keep adding to it. I know my girlfriends will be grateful one day to know that what's happening to them is not so crazy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The guy's input... for what it's worth.

Here I sit on a Friday afternoon, the sun is bright and it's warm enough to be outside doing anything. Like most suckers I'm stuck at my desk with a classroom full of kids who seriously want this year to be over with. I don't blame them.

Then my mind wanders to September when the little one will be here. I keep thinking about the bathrooms I need to complete, the fence I need to finish painting, the backyard that needs some serious TLC, the baby's closet that needs some work, or the carpet that desperately needs to be torn out. I sit here and think of those things and wander how much longer I can put them off before Steph starts to really get frustrated.

Then I remember that she's preggers and frustration is for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That ship has sailed and Pirate Steph is at the helm. Alas, I must procrastinate and tarry no more.

My shopping and to-do list have reached a critical state. There's simply no room to add anything else. And then I remember I'm supposed to be getting in shape for this firefighter physical test in a few weeks. When do I have time to do that!

The life of a soon-to-be father is fraught with confusion and time constraints that would make Jack Bower shudder with fear.

So what will I do tonight... probably play some playstation, read, or watch a movie. All that other junk can wait.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The beginning....

Thanks to our good friends the Boytes we now have a blog to share with you all our journey into parenthood--scary! I've promised you all that I would detail this keep you all in the give some of you a heads up for what's in your future...but overall just to keep in touch since we're all so far apart.

It all started when we took that ever important test and got the great news. So far, pregnancy for me has been slightly typical. No real 'morning sickness' but the fatigue and the incredibly hot body temperature set in; it's enough to keep you from any extracurricular. Mine was a little later than that, around 14 weeks but I have no complaints. I've heard the stories from many that had it worse. It's apparently the hormones--your body starts to except that it's just a part of who you are now and gives you back your energy. It is pretty incredible, just one day you feel like going for a walk outside or the thought of doing laps at the gym doesn't make you cringe anymore (wait...the gym has always made me cringe!). Needless to say, this is the part where everyone says to enjoy it, the second trimester. We've had a few sonograms so far and everything looks great for the little one. Strong heartbeat, big brain (was very cool--wish I had a picture of that to share), bones and organs and everything you want to be in place. Now the only part we're waiting on is to find out what the little one is. We went in at 16 weeks (4 months) and Dr. New gave us an 80% boy verdict but we won't get the 100% until we go back in at 20 weeks (two long weeks from now)! We're excited either way but I will tell you...I've already started shopping....hey, I'm saving my receipts :) For now, here's our best picture to share with you all--our making a massey.