Sunday, April 17, 2011

8 months old already!

So, our little baby is 8 months old already. It's so hard to believe...but what everyone says is so correct, they truly do grow up so fast. Since we've been negligent bloggers, let me catch you all up on a few things:

Harrison hasn't started crawling yet but he's just about to. He sits up on all fours and just rocks back and forth, like he's trying to get the momentum to propel himself forward. A few times now he has pushed one knee forward and then his face plant followed. It's going to start soon and then we'll have to baby proof everything! In the meantime though, he completely sits up on his own now for long periods of time. He's definitely ready to expand the boundaries of his world--everything looks interesting, tastes good and sounds intriguing to him.

No teeth yet but that's another thing that will soon be happening. He's teething like crazy--drooling double time and rubbing all sorts of toys against his achy gums. We know when it's happening because you hear 'squeak squeak' in the background.

He's still such a happy baby--giggling and now talking all the time. It's easy to make him laugh by making silly faces, playing peek-a-boo or just saying funny words to him. Although he has said 'da da' and 'ma ma' out loud, it's not really to us yet. He's just babbling to himself...but of course, we'd love to think he knows who we are. Most of his baby talk is to himself or to toys, he's just interested in his ever-expanding world and is great at keeping himself occupied.

Harrison's a great eater--he's now moved up to multiple containers of baby food a day along with his 24+ ounces of formula. He seems to accept everything we feed him although bananas and apricots aren't his favorite foods. He's tried a few baby puffs, first semi-solid but they melt in the mouth, and it's hilarious to watch his face as he tries to figure out what he is eating. It looks like he's not a fan but then he keeps going back for more puffs!

All in all, he's a great little guy and we can't wait to watch more of his personality unfold before our eyes. We're so happy to have him!

Happy Easter!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Harrison's 1st snow

January 2011, we celebrated our first snow day with Harrison!
Not quite enough for a snowman yet, but maybe next time we can try a snowball or two. It doesn't happen often in Texas but we'll take what we can get!

5 months already...

Right now I'm watching our little Harrison bounce and giggle in his jumper and I can't believe it's been 5 months already! We have been the worst bloggers for a while, but we have a great excuse. It's been amazing to watch him grow and change right before our eyes. His personality is developing and we're truly starting to see who he's meant to be. Since we have been slackers, let me fill you all in on a few milestones...
At around 2-3 months he began really laughing and smiling at all our silly faces. At 3 months he was looking around at his surroundings with much more interest and began drooling like a king, a.k.a. Droolicus Maximus! At 4 months he started bouncing in his jumper but it wasn't until now that he began to go bananas in it. Now that he's 5 months old he's really started to giggle out loud, he turns towards sounds, he's eating his first foods (he loves apples but the verdict is still out on bananas) and can sit in his bumbo like a pro. He's trying to roll over but finds his best mode of transportation is scooching himself around by arching his back and pushing out with his feet. He sleeps through the night now but every once in a while wakes up just needing his pacifier. His hair is finally coming in on top but we're still not sure what color it will be, although our entire family thinks the answer is red like Daddy's.
He celebrated his first Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. We were able to spend a lot of time with family so everyone could spoil him rotten already. He's been enjoying all of his gifts and we're trying to get him into all the cute clothes before he grows out of them. At our last appointment he was 15 1/2 pounds and had a few shots, which he wasn't so pleased about.
All in all, he's a very happy baby. He wakes up every morning with a big smile on his face. He never fusses or cries when we give him a bath, change his clothes or his diaper. He loves to giggle at you and play peek-a-boo. Truly the only area of his life that he fights and fusses about is naptime.
We look forward to every day we get to spend with him; we are truly blessed!