Things are progressing nicely for our little boy. He still has about a month left to go before he's ready. We had a doctor's check-up yesterday and Harrison is currently at about 5 and a half pounds. That puts his due date around the 17th of August, but at this point there are so many variables that the likelyhood of that is slim. The original due date was closer to September, so we're sticking with that for now. Of course things change quickly and unexpectedly this close to the birth, especially the first time around.

Second... Steph

She seems to be doing okay. She's very uncomfortable all the time and she has aches and pains throughout her back and stomach on occasion. She's not moving very fast which isn't that bad as we should all slow down. She has the entire king sized bed to herself as I'm still camped out on the couch. Instead of feeling like I've been kicked to the curb, I instead feel like I'm simply doing my duty.
One of her favorite video games came out last week and this time we can play together. We both have Nintendo DS's and have played them countless times since we got married. However we've never before played a game together. Dragon Quest IX recently came out with the ability to play the game together via the wi-fi capability of the little console system. We also decided to both upgrade our very out dated DS's to the newer DSXL's. Its a much larger system with two much bigger systems.
I feel I've had a good influence on my wife when it comes to gaming. Before she never really cared for them. Now she's getting into RPG's and puzzle games more and more.
I'd also like to report that she's showing glimpses of interest in baseball and the Rangers! That's been a hard fought battle on my part, but through vast amounts of watching games on TV and dragging her to the ballpark, she's slowly started to get into my favorite of all sports! Its about time!
Lastly... the house
Things are nearing completion in the remodelling arena. Both bathrooms have been completely stripped of all wallpaper. They were covered with a liberal application of primer. And with the extremely generous help of our friends Kevin and Traci, they were textured to match the rest of the house. After giving them a few days to dry completely I will prime them both twice more before applying paint.
For Harrison's bathroom, we've chosen a light orange color. I'm guessing it will be overly colorful in there but who cares. Its a kids bathroom with monster crap everywhere. He will have a new light fixture, new shelves, a new mirror, and new general fixtures everywhere.
For the half bath down stairs we're going with whatever color we have left over from all of our original paint projects when we moved in 3 and a half years ago. It will probably be a light yellow. It too will get the same upgrades as Harrison's bathroom.
Over all things feel like they're coming together. The Pack-and-Play is out and ready for use. Harrison's room is essentially ready for occupation (pictures to follow), and the other odds and ends are getting stacked into place nicely. I have quite a bit more to do, but it will get done in time. Thank God the pregnancy lasts 9-10 months or none of this crap ever would have gotten done!

I love the pictures, the information and both of you as well as my precious Harrison.. I love you, Mom