Monday, October 4, 2010
6 weeks and growing

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Steph's Point of View
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Harrison Rhys Massey
Friday, July 30, 2010
Nursery Time
Nursery Updates: The room was painted yellow to begin with...Mark would not let me repaint it. I had to work with what I was given. I figured, I made all the other decisions about what we were going to do as far as the decorations were concerned so I guess he could have his wish on the wall color. I mean after all, the monster theme kind-of just happened for me and there was no turning back after the idea took place! Our color theme is pretty much NOT pastels. We have aqua blue, bright orange, royal blue, fire engine red, many shades of bright green and pops of yellow. It's all boy and it's a fun mismatch of the colors that will hopefully stand out enough to keep our little guy occupied and interested. Wait til he sees his bathroom!!! We'll send some update pictures on that soon; Mark is almost finished in there and it's definitely all kid-inspired.
Harrison's bedding and curtains were made by a great friend of the family, Lee, who sewed every inch of the items together (what an awesome skill that I so do not have!) and they look amazing! She made the crib sheets, baby blanket, dust ruff, curtains and is currently working on the bumper pads--what a woman!
We had some great help from my Dad hanging all the shelves not only on the walls but also in the closet. So Harrison has a horde of monsters in his room and has a closet full of baby clothes that he can hopefully all wear.
We even tested out most of his stuff already (thank you all for the lovely shower gifts!) when our friends Traci and Kevin brought over their little sweetie Reagan. The monitor rocks, she loved all his toys and those glowing/musical creatures for nap time work like a charm! It's great to know that we picked out some winners for our little guy and if he's finicky, we can always give Reagan some new great gear!
As far as the rest of the baby gear goes: We installed the car seats in each car and it's truly amazing how much room they actually take up! We must both sit way back in our cars because we had to move those passenger seats up and it's now a sad situation for whoever is stuck riding along. We also put the stroller and snap-and-go together so we each have one ready. The pack-n-play is up as well as the bouncer and swing. Like I said, it's all coming along. Now we just have to wait for the baby.
Speaking of Harrison, we had our 36 week appointment today and he's doing just great. Everything looked good and we'll have another appointment next week. It's amazing to think we have somewhere around 3 weeks left before he's here! Right now he's moving all over the place and he's got me famished and parched as always...so off I go to fill up the meter.
We'll send more updates soon!
Showered with Monsters
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Update on everything...

She seems to be doing okay. She's very uncomfortable all the time and she has aches and pains throughout her back and stomach on occasion. She's not moving very fast which isn't that bad as we should all slow down. She has the entire king sized bed to herself as I'm still camped out on the couch. Instead of feeling like I've been kicked to the curb, I instead feel like I'm simply doing my duty.
I feel I've had a good influence on my wife when it comes to gaming. Before she never really cared for them. Now she's getting into RPG's and puzzle games more and more.
Things are nearing completion in the remodelling arena. Both bathrooms have been completely stripped of all wallpaper. They were covered with a liberal application of primer. And with the extremely generous help of our friends Kevin and Traci, they were textured to match the rest of the house. After giving them a few days to dry completely I will prime them both twice more before applying paint.
Over all things feel like they're coming together. The Pack-and-Play is out and ready for use. Harrison's room is essentially ready for occupation (pictures to follow), and the other odds and ends are getting stacked into place nicely. I have quite a bit more to do, but it will get done in time. Thank God the pregnancy lasts 9-10 months or none of this crap ever would have gotten done!

Maternity photo shoot

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Back to her old ways...
Of course this means that I've got to find another place to close my eyes or risk zero sleep. Instead of sleeping on the floor in the office and the now ultra clean brand new carpet, I've opted for the much easier couch. There is less set up and take down so its the smarter choice. Alas, it all seems to be part of this wacky game of pregnancy so far, and I don't mind the exodus.
Our dogs don't seem to mind the new situation either as they've taken up residence on my pillows at night. I blame them of course, for the whole sordid affair!
On a different note...
Harrison is kicking Steph seemingly all the time now. I suppose he's starting to run out of room in there. And we still have a couple of months left. I simply can't begin to imagine how Steph is handling this pregnancy thing. Let me just say for the record that I'm glad I was born a man. With all my idiosyncrasies I'd never get any sleep. My wife, on the other hand, soldiers on like a real trooper!
On yet another note...
The house is coming along. However we've seem to hit a snag, and I blame my decision to teach summer school. Its only about 5 hours a day, but this summer school thing is the pits. My kids are great and hard working, but I get home and I'm exhausted. I simply don't want to do anything and with my chronic laziness in full affect, that is a formula for disaster! We have so much laundry piled up and the dishes are just getting out of control. The garage needs to be organized stat and don't even get me started on the "garden area" in our back yard. There is a weed that literally stands taller than I do. At this point its a pride thing and I want to see just how tall this sucker will get. Steph seems embarrassed by the overwhelming growth, but I'm fascinated! Grow little weed, grow!!!
We're rocking at 32 weeks... I think. Harrison will be here before long and then it gets easier, right?
Friday, June 25, 2010
My first baby shower!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Getting there!
- New Hot Water Heater
- New Stove/Oven
- New Mounted Microwave
- New Paint in all rooms
- New light fixtures throughout the entire house.
- 3 New Ceiling Fans
- New Sink
- New Disposal
- New kitchen faucets
- New fence (That was a beating as it was built in the middle of July. Thanks for the help Ralph!)
- A fixed AC Unit (fingers crossed it doesn't break any time soon)
- New inner workings of 3 toilets
- New closet shelves in two rooms
- New shelving in the laundry room
- New Laundry room French Doors
- New eco-friendly Back Door (Thanks Kevin! That was a whipping.)
- Most recently, and with the extremely generous gift by Ralph and Anita, we have brand new carpet! It makes the house smell brand new and it looks amazing!
What we have left:
- Finish the guest and half bathroom. We're taking off the wallpaper and retexturing/painting the walls. (Probably the worst thing ever in the history of remodeling). This needs to be done before Harrison is born as the guest bathroom will be his!!!
- Retile the master and guest bath tubs/showers as well as the kitchen backsplash.
- Possibly paint the cabinets. At the very least we will put handles on them.
- Do something about the countertops in the kitchen.
We've got a lot to do, but we've gotten a lot done. The house looks great though. Steph repainted the banister recently and it looks a lot better than it did. I scrubbed the tile floor in the kitchen. It was gross how dirty it was! We can think our dogs for that.
Thanks to our parents for the continued help. Most of the financial backing is from their pocketbooks and we are forever grateful for their support.
Maybe one of these days we can people over and show off some of the work we've done!
Harrison Update
Thursday, May 27, 2010
13 weeks to go!
All in all, it seems to go by pretty quickly and I can't believe I'm going to do this, but here it is...the first official belly picture!
Everything has been going great for us so far. Harrison is moving around more than ever but I haven't figured out his patterns yet. I think he still has enough space to not always bump me, but I know that window of time is about to close. We're officially in the 3rd trimester and his growth is supposed to get pretty rapid over these last few weeks. We'll find out in about a week how he's doing and how big he is at our next appointment. According to all the books, he should be somewhere around 2 lbs. and ready for some major growth spurts.
I could tell we entered the 3rd trimester by some very significant changes. All of a sudden, my blood sugar went wacky--I was feeling dizzy at work every day right around the same time. Come to find out, I need to eat 5 small meals a day instead of the normal 3 to keep all my levels in check. All that rapid growth means Harrison needs more food from me, so now I just have to snack every few hours (easier said than done). Also, that infamous belly button pop has started to happen. I still have an 'innie' but now you can see a belly button bump through all my shirts. The foot swelling thing is still happening but now it runs on a schedule. When I'm working all day or out and about running errands, I'll come home to find my feet like puffy sausages, only to slowly go back to a state of normal after a few hours of relaxing.
I still cannot believe we are so close to the end...or should I say beginning for Harrison. It's a little scary to think about, so I try not to dwell on that coming day. I just know that God has us in his hands and we're along for the ride. May it be a sweet journey of a quick delivery and a blessed epidural!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Harrison Update...
It was a short sonogram but the doctor had a chance to point some interesting things out. He said everything looked great and normal which is a major blessing. We saw Harrison's hand opening and closing. We have a picture of the top of his head. He's got his fist directly in front of his forehead as though he's thinking hard. I would upload it, but its at home and I'm at work. Didn't plan this very well!
We got see a very clear image of his foot and leg and the heartbeat was pounding away.
All in all, it was a great visit. Next month, Steph gets to do the glucose test. From what I understand it's a lot like drinking extremely concentrated Tang. If it's good enough for the astronauts, it's good enough for my son.
We'll keep you updated!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
When it rains... everything gets hot and rusty!
I'd do the install myself but... I'm not that talented.
The other super awesome blessing is the AC unit is no longer functioning properly. A copper pipe was bent and collapsed on itself by the builder 16 years ago. It's caused our AC unit to work 3 times harder than it has to. Luckily we got a nice guy to fix it and he'll be out at 8 on Saturday morning to remedy the problem. If this works, then we're good to go. If the quick fix doesn't hold like we want it to then we have $6000 leaving our pockets to get a completely new unit.
On top of all of this we're trying to finish the remodeling in two bathrooms, finish sealing the wood on the new fence, and get the baby's room ready to go. Ah the thrills of being a home owner.
And as a final note: please don't tell us that it only gets harder or that this is the trend of buying homes... I, for one, don't care to hear it. We know.
I guess the best thing to do is remind myself of James 1:2-3 : Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
We're all loaded up on perseverence, thanks.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A bump in the night
It happened all last week (which was 23 weeks or 5 1/2 months on the preggers timeline) but I'm logical and cautious so I waited to make sure I was really feeling the baby and not just blogging about gas to all my friends! When it first happened I was laying on the couch relaxing and all of a sudden felt a weird double pop sensation or poking feeling below my belly button on the right hand side of my big ol' tum tum. It was so strange and foreign that at first I really couldn't believe that that would be what 'the baby moving' felt like. Everyone kept saying that 'it feels like butterflies' so of course I was sitting around waiting for some fluttering feeling. I didn't expect to be prodded from the inside. So, all the rest of the week I'd get home from work and lay down to relax...and would wait. The first few days it would sporadically happen once or so during the night so I felt like I wasn't still totally sure of what was going on (always the skeptic eh Steph). Well then the next few nights I was really determined to figure it out; so I'd sit on the couch with my hands where I kept feeling movement and would yell over to Mark to come feel whenever something 'swishy' or 'prodding' would happen. Harrison at first was pretty elusive and hard to catch but as the week rolled by he seemed to become more and more active. Last night I was even able to grab Mark at the right moment and he felt the baby move too. It's pretty cool and surreal at the same time. To think at this point the baby is somewhere between 1-3 pounds and just rolling around in his little watery home (that within itself is foreign and weird).
So now, it's like Harrison knows that we know and has stopped playing his elusive game of poke and hide...he's active now even during the day at random times. I've had some strange moments in meetings at work where he's just randomly awake or is sleep-jabbing me.
Like I said, it's definitely pretty cool but still so strange. At first, I really had no idea what was going on and now that I'm familiar with how it feels, it's like I have this heightened awareness and feel it so much more. It will be interesting to see his little personality continue to develop and hopefully all the kicking and prodding isn't ever so out of hand that I'm a walking freak show at work...but oh well, we'll soon enough find out!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
The 1,000 faces of Ezekiel
What is less realized by those about to have a baby is the overwhelming volumes of advice heaped upon the expecting by friends and family. I'm mockingly pointing a finger at every person who currently has a child. =)
One thing I've come to realize is that everyone becomes a prophet... hence the biblical reference in the title. Everyone speaks their "truths" about babydom and those truths constantly contradict each other from one person to the next.
For one person, their baby slept throughout the night because of the formula they used... another person says the diaper genie is pointless, while another swears by it... while still others discuss the best way to breastfeed (awkward to say the least).
A famous author by the name of Joseph Campbell wrote an equally famous book called "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". I've adapted the title to the multitudes who have spoken their truths to Steph and I. Essentially Campbell discusses how the hero myth, regardless of story, uses the same cycle or formula. You can see this cycle repeated from the ancient Greek myths of Perseus to the more modern Harry Potter novels. Hence, there is one hero and he has thousands of different faces.
I am here today to say that the same is true for parents.
What I have learned from all of this advice is simple... each person has a particular way of raising their child. What worked for them might not work for others. Try everything more than once. Don't save the cord blood. Each child is different. Eat when you can. Sleep when they sleep. Don't screw them up too much. And so on...
For all of those giving advice, please don't stop! In spite of this post's mocking tone, we love to hear what everyone has to say. Even those who "speak... therefore it is so!" Steve, I'm looking at you brother!
What it ultimately means is that you care enough to say anything in the first place. Harrison's not even here yet and because of every one's advice, Steph and I can't wait to meet him and screw him up in our own way. Keep the advice coming!
Monday, April 12, 2010
The Adventures of a Light Sleeper
Its great for security around the house and it will come in handy when Harrison starts crying in the middle of the night. However, the smallest noise can wake me up, so we have fans going at night to help fight off the inconsequentials that happen throughout the morning hours. This does not include my wife's newly discovered snoring.
Now, to be fair, its not that bad. She's not sawing logs like a lumberjack. Instead she lightly snores, just enough to keep me up ALL NIGHT! At first I fought the urge to run screaming into the night. I would tap her arm or jiggle the bed and that would turn her over. Not the case anymore as its become a constant thing. Plus anyone who knows Steph around sleepy time can confirm that she's a bit crabby when woken up. Sorry Steph, but it had to be said! (I'm in trouble now.)
My boyscout training kicked in one night when I couldn't stand it anymore. I ran downstairs, grabbed my gear, and set up camp in the computer room. I'm sure most of you are picturing a tent with a full blown campfire. Actually, its just my sleeping bag and a tiny air mattress I use when hiking.
I felt bad. I felt like I had abandoned my wife to a lonely bed and I think she may have felt the same way. Then Kirsten saved my life. Thank you by the way! She mentioned how the same had happened with her and the results were the same. Since then Steph has been a little more "okay" with the floor sleeping.
The moral of this whole tale is thus... the snoring is a little off-putting, but the alternative is a 33 year old bed wetter. I think we've chosen well.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
5 months

The time is going by really fast--it's very weird to think I'll officially be a "Mom" only a few months from now.
I'm feeling great right now--I actually have energy and don't have any major food aversions. I'm not really craving anything yet either but I've often heard that happens later. I'm definitely learning a lot of funny stuff about my pregnant self. I'm out of breath a lot now. I can still paint my toenails (with effort). My feet are already a bit snug in all my size 7 shoes. "Maternal fat stores" suck! I'm still waiting for my hair to start growing like crazy as everyone says it will (I really want to be able to have a ponytail again...a lot more low maintenance with a kid in tow). Sleeping on your right side is a lot harder said than done. Sleeping with a bra is becoming increasingly necessary (ouch!). And the snoring continues, LOL, sorry Mark!
It's a boy!
(Special thanks to my awesome husband for the sweet U2 tunes and subtitles provided in the video!)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Things I'm learning
- Baby Massey gets really angry if I don't eat breakfast before 9am...and I can't get by with just a bowl of cereal either. I have to eat eggs or my little miracle makes me regret it all work day long with headaches and just all over sick feelings.
- Chicken--I just can't eat it. I can't look at it. I can't touch it. I can eat McNuggets and that's about it. All the rest of it looks so foul I don't want to ruin it for you.
- Snacking--I'm reaching that phase where I need little bits of food every few hours or so. I anticipate this will only get worse. Although, it is cool to be able to grab a cookie and not feel bad about it!
- Hmmm, how to say it....sleeping on your side as you start to grow is not super comfy. I feel like I'll soon have to develop a gigantic wall of pillows to support all the areas that need supporting. Poor Mark.
- Speaking of poor Mark...snoring has begun. He will try to tell you that it happened before pregnancy but I have my Dad and other slumber party buddies to attest to the fact that growing up all I had was some random talking in my sleep. Now apparently, snoring has started. The doctors say that your body create extra (gross) mucus and that could explain it. That also explains the super stuffy noses and dry throat.
- A lot of weird extra stuff is around, like the amount of blood in your body now--it's crazy! And I'm also thinking that causes my limbs to be totally asleep numb when I lay on them wrong in bed. It's the worst--my friend Traci lent me her arm brace to use to help out. But seriously, the amount of extra junk you need in order to sleep is ridiculous...and I don't want to even think about the fact that it's probably worse as your belly grows. It's a miracle, don't get me wrong, it's just so strange going through it all for the first time.
I think I've covered a good start to the little things diary. I'll keep thinking and will keep adding to it. I know my girlfriends will be grateful one day to know that what's happening to them is not so crazy.
Friday, March 26, 2010
The guy's input... for what it's worth.
Then my mind wanders to September when the little one will be here. I keep thinking about the bathrooms I need to complete, the fence I need to finish painting, the backyard that needs some serious TLC, the baby's closet that needs some work, or the carpet that desperately needs to be torn out. I sit here and think of those things and wander how much longer I can put them off before Steph starts to really get frustrated.
Then I remember that she's preggers and frustration is for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That ship has sailed and Pirate Steph is at the helm. Alas, I must procrastinate and tarry no more.
My shopping and to-do list have reached a critical state. There's simply no room to add anything else. And then I remember I'm supposed to be getting in shape for this firefighter physical test in a few weeks. When do I have time to do that!
The life of a soon-to-be father is fraught with confusion and time constraints that would make Jack Bower shudder with fear.
So what will I do tonight... probably play some playstation, read, or watch a movie. All that other junk can wait.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The beginning....